Studying a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours), Mia Zaccardo strongly believes that receiving the 2014 Unibooks Honours Scholarship helped her to achieve a first class grade. “The scholarship relieved a lot of financial pressure. As this year was extremely intensive and required a large time commitment, the scholarship meant I needed to work less in order to get by, which freed up more time to dedicate to my study.”
Growing up in Mount Gambier, Mia lived at the Flinders University Hall throughout her degree, and was also employed at Flinders Living. Mia says, “Occasionally, I would take on extra work in order to supplement my usual income; however, I didn’t need to do this after receiving the scholarship. A little financial relief offered a substantial reduction in stress in my study and home life.”
Mia applied for the scholarship after regularly monitoring the Flinders University website for upcoming scholarship opportunities. On being awarded the scholarship Mia says, “I was extremely grateful and proud.”
Mia acknowledges the generous support provided by Unibooks. “Thank you so much for creating the scholarship for students like me. Sometimes students can feel as though their efforts in academia go somewhat unrewarded or unrecognised, but receiving this scholarship made me feel as though it had all been worth it.”
Mia is currently employed at Flinders University as a Research Assistant. She says her long term goals involve, “working within a field such as community services, community development, or the higher education field, to provide support and services to people in order to help them achieve the most they can out of life”.