If you have applied through our International Application System, you will need to accept your offer online. Once you have accepted your offer you will then be taken to Flinders’ Western Union GlobalPay for Students where you can finalise your payment. For alternative payment methods, please see below.
At Flinders we use Western Union Global Pay for Students to make it easier for you to pay your international tuition fee payment. You can pay from your bank account with a telegraphic transfer or use a credit card.
If you do not have the option to accept your offer through our International Application System, you can make payment through Western Union GlobalPay.
Need help?
Please email studentpayments@westernunion.com or call +61 2 8585 7999 Monday - Friday (AEST, 9am – 5pm).
Contact your participating bank to make a payment directly from your Australian cheque, savings or credit card (Visa or MasterCard) account.
Flinders University's Biller Code is 53181. Have your Payment Reference Number ready. For more information go to BPay. Note: Electronic payments may take between 1-3 days to show in your student account.
Payment Reference Number
A Payment Reference Number is required when making payments by BPAY® or by cheque.
To obtain your Payment Reference Number, login to the Student System. Your Payment Reference Number is located near the top right-hand corner of your Fee Account.
Fees can be made payable to the National Australia Bank, Unley Branch, 260 Unley Rd, Hyde Park, South Australia, 5061.
BSB: 085-458
Account No: 86-589-5181
Account Name: Flinders University
Swift/BIC code: NATAAU3303M
Please include your full name in your payment and ensure your student number is included as the payment reference. A transfer fee may be charged by your bank.
Students are able to pay their fees via our student system upon activating their student account and logging in.
1 Services to customers may not be available in all countries, territories and currencies.
2 In limited circumstances, transaction fees may apply.
3 If selected by payors. Message and data rates may apply.
*Visa and Mastercard are available in specific jurisdictions only. Note: Due to banking regulations, not all currencies are available. If your home currency isn't offered, you can pay in another currency.