Differently. Think
No matter what you choose to study at Flinders, develop your personal enterprise skills by embedding innovation and enterprise into your degree.
Think big. Make an impact. Design your future
Learn how to deliver enterprising solutions with our innovation and enterprise undergraduate courses.
Innovation for transformation
Develop your capacity to leverage disruption, creativity and innovation to pursue valuable opportunities with our postgraduate courses.
No matter what you choose to study at Flinders, develop your personal enterprise skills by embedding innovation and enterprise elective into your degree.
If not already included in your undergraduate degree as a core, topics can be taken as electives, regardless of discipline.
If you’re studying humanities, education, law or social and behavioural sciences, you’re encouraged to enrol in Innovative and Creative Thinking: Recognising Opportunities.
If you’re studying medicine, nursing, health sciences, science or engineering, you’re encouraged to enrol in Agile Innovation for STEM: User Centred Design & Development.
Recognising opportunities
Solve problems and generate new opportunities in novel and valuable ways, and better harness your full creative and innovative potential. Learn how creativity is a key driver of organisational innovation, and critical to providing value and ensuring long-term survival. No matter what career or profession, being more creative and understanding how modern organisations grow will help you to be more valuable, more employable, more innovative, and more entrepreneurial.
Leveraging your Ecosystem for Innovation
Learn how the opportunities and challenges posed by the digital economy, technological connectedness and open innovation, are driving organisations to strategically harness the power of the crowd. This highly experiential and challenge-led topic is designed to help students: understand how crowd based innovation methods such as crowdsourcing, co-creation and crowdfunding are used to create competitive advantage, improve society, and disrupt markets.
Doing Good While Doing Well
Explore social entrepreneurship as a lever for improving the world, and as a lens to understand business and strategy. Learn how the principles of social entrepreneurship can motivate individuals and organisations to solve pressing social, environmental and economic problems whilst, at the same time, drive competitive advantage and growth.
Validating Desirability, Feasibility and Viability
The most effective innovators and entrepreneurs are those who can adapt their ideas to fit reality. This topic focuses on a variety of hands-on tools for testing the desirability, feasibility and viability of any idea. Learn to investigate user needs, test customers and investors' willingness to pay, and use these insights to validate the potential of an innovation or new venture.
User Centred Design & Development
Creating market value with a technological or scientific solution is hard. Many new products fail in the market as they do not solve a problem for users or customers, may not be willing to pay the price for any value created. Learn about design thinking, agile development and lean startup methodology as important foundations of the new product development lifecycle. Using hands-on exercises, develop practical and creative innovation skills to help solve real-life technological and commercial problems.
Creating a Roadmap from Opportunity to Action
Business Models define how organisations create and capture value and are critical to the successful growth of new and existing ventures. Whether launching a venture, assessing an opportunity, or transforming an existing enterprise, learn how to evaluate which business model best fits your market. Explore cutting-edge concepts, skills, know-how, attitudes and innovative alternatives relevant for designing a successful business model and go-to-market strategy.
Commercialising STEM opportunities
Make better business model decisions when commercializing new products or technologies that potentially disrupt markets. Whether you're launching a new business, or focused on growing an existing enterprise. Learn how to generate insights, gather the right resources, and develop appropriate and novel business models to successfully launch innovative and disruptive technologies and ventures.
Entrepreneurial Strategies, Resources & Activities
Few enterprises lack innovative ideas, they are usually vast and plentiful. On the other hand, only a small proportion of ideas are ever successfully launched in the marketplace and the statistics for innovation and start-up failure rates are eye watering. Great ideas need great execution but even great execution cannot make a success out of a bad idea. Learn the skills to “think creatively” and “act entrepreneurially”, whilst bringing an opportunity to life, from ideation through to launch.
Pitching for Finance, Resources and Support
This topic is for anyone who wants to gain financial and/or management support for their innovation. Learn how to construct a strong business case and develop effective communication skills, with the goal of convincing backers to “buy in" to your “bright idea.”
Understand potential financial resources including equity and non-equity options, crowdfunding, government grants, VC and Angel investor. Create a professional pitch deck with great presentation skills to accompany it.
Leveraging STEM Driven Innovation
Technology startups are not smaller versions of large companies as they don't systematically manage the production and sales of products/services. Instead they're in search mode, looking for innovative product-market fit and a sustainable business model. Learn about agile innovation processes, new technology adoption, finding first customers, and a range of entrepreneurial tools and techniques important for launching technology-driven innovations and start-ups.
Our undergraduate courses in innovation and enterprise will develop your personal enterprise skills to enhance creativity, understand and embrace innovation, and think like an entrepreneur.
The Bachelor of Business (Innovation and Enterprise) prepares you for the jobs of the future and to deliver enterprising solutions in a world disrupted by technological change.
You will receive mentorship from leading entrepreneurs, work with innovative businesses and have the opportunity to learn new approaches to directly improve business outcomes.
Innovation and enterprise will equip you with skills and networks to help prepare you for future careers in a vast range of areas.
The Bachelor of Design and Technology Innovation links user needs to technology and commercial reality.
Developing a new product or service requires you to identify a problem and create a commercial solution.
The degree prepares you to do this by developing a sound understanding of three areas: design; innovation management; and science, technology and engineering.
*The New Works Smarts, Foundation for Young Australians, 2017.
NVI is the centre for innovation and entreprenuership at Flinders University.
Flinders’ new postgraduate programs in innovation and enterprise develop your capacity to leverage disruption, creativity and innovation to pursue valuable opportunities.
Transform the organisations and industries of today.
Launch the new ventures, technologies and services of tomorrow. And drive a new wave of socio-economic advancement, growth and stability for our shared future.