Mental health and emotional wellbeing

Theme lead

Professor Mike Kyrios
Vice-President and Executive Dean, College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

Throughout his career, internationally recognised clinical psychologist Professor Mike Kyrios has undertaken a range of academic, practice, professional and administrative roles.

He also holds adjunct positions at the Australian National University, the University of Melbourne and Swinburne University. Mike’s work encompasses the biopsychosocial spectrum (inclusive of behavioural, cognitive, neuropsychological, developmental and self-based conceptual frameworks and methodologies).

He has published extensively in more than 160 publications and has received over $21.5 million in grant funding during his career. Mike sits on a range of national and international editorial and review committees and is a prolific presenter to conferences in Australia and internationally. He has been President of the Australian Psychological Society, National Chair of the College of Clinical Psychologists, and the recipient of national and international awards.