The World Health Organisation has designated the Torrens Resilience Institute, Flinders University as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Mass Gathering and Global Health Security. Professor Paul Arbon is the Head of the Centre.
The agreed work plan of the Centre lists five terms of reference:
- Support WHO in carrying out research translation and inform WHO’s work on mass gatherings, emergencies, high visibility/high consequence events and health protection preparedness.
- Upon WHO’s request, develop and apply scientific knowledge as well as provide operational, clinical, epidemiological and event management support on mass gathering and global health security.
- Upon WHO’s request, assist capacity building and inform WHO’s work by identifying best scientific evidence, shared experiences, key publications, guidelines in mass gathering and global health security.
- Assist WHO by identifying suitable evidence and providing advice to inform WHO on the identification, prevention and response to mis/dis information and infodemics, concerning actual and perceived threats to global health security.
- Under WHO’s leadership, support global health security activities and capacity building for bio and health security planning, and inform WHO’s work in assisting Member States in complying with the International Health Regulations and reducing global threat especially in relation to the deliberate use of biological agents.