Distinguished Alumni Awards were introduced to coincide with the University’s 40th Anniversary in 2006.
The award recognises graduates who have distinguished themselves in one or more of the following ways:
David Hobbs BSc(Physics) 1995, Bsc(Life Sciences)/BEng(Biomed)(Hons) ’01, for significant contribution to Flinders University, the community, state, nationand internationally in your chosen field; in particular for your work in the area ofrehabilitation engineering.
Geordie Brookman BA(Hons) '02, for significant contribution to the community, the state, the nation and in yourchosen field, through your contribution to Australian theatre.
Debra Jackson PhD(Ng/Midwif) '00, for significant contribution internationally and through your chosen field, inparticular for your leadership in nursing and allied health research.
Anthony Maras LLB/LP '03, for significant contribution to the community, state and nation, in particularthrough your chosen field of film making.
Peter Martin BEc(Hons) '80, for significant contribution to the community, state, nation and internationally,and through your chosen field; in particular for your commentary on economic affairs.
Mary Buckskin (DipNg ’89) (1958-2015), for significant contributions to improved health outcomes for Aboriginal people both through her leadership of the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia and the Council of Australian Governments national reforms in Aboriginal health.