The innovation and enterprise professional program develops your capacity to leverage disruption, creativity and innovation to pursue valuable opportunities that will arise as the workplace changes.
The future of how we live, work and learn is rapidly changing as we embrace the challenges and opportunities of the 4th industrial revolution. We aim to lead the way, seeking out new knowledge and creating new opportunities by leveraging our global networks and building entrepreneurial capacity.
The courses prepare you to transform the organisations and industries of today, and launch the new ventures, technologies and services of tomorrow. They aim to help you develop the skills and knowledge to drive a new wave of socio-economic advancement, growth and stability for the future.
Throughout the program, you will have the opportunity to connect with experienced entrepreneurs, innovators and industry, and learn to grow or transform an existing business, build an organisation-wide culture of creativity and innovation, and launch an innovative new venture or enhance your career.
We also offer a range of undergraduate courses.
Innovation and Enterprise topics are powered by the New Venture Institute at the Tonsley innovation hub, in the heart of South Australia’s technology and manufacturing industries.
Flinders own start-up accelerator program ‘eNVIsion’, co-locates Flinders students alongside some the newest and most exciting start-ups.