If you have completed at least one semester of full-time equivalent study at university, you may be able to transfer to study at Flinders University using your Grade Point Average (GPA).
If you’ve attempted at least one semester but no more than two years of equivalent full-time study at higher education level, you will be considered on the basis of either your GPA from those studies or any other qualification which meets the University’s admission requirements (such as your Year 12 ATAR or STAT score).
If you’ve attempted a total of more than two years of equivalent full-time higher education study, you will only be considered on the basis of your GPA in those studies.
If you’ve been precluded from a course at Flinders University or another university, you will not normally be considered for admission into a course in the same discipline area.
If you are accepted into a Flinders course and you have studied in a related area you may be eligible for credit from your previous studies.